Author: sotech
Bondtech motor error with Stealthburner breakout board
I got this error today; . TMC ‘extruder’ reports error: DRV_STATUS: 000f0090 s2vsa=1(LowSideShort_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) cs_actual=15 . Turns out the pins were around the wrong way for the connector which went into the breakout board. Once that was rectified the extruder worked as expected.
How to connect to a Prusa Mk3S via USB in Terminal on MacOS?
After connecting the printer via a USB C -> USB adapter, run: ls /dev/cu* In my instance the USB adapter was /dev/cu.usbmodem14101 Then run: screen /dev/cu.usbmodem14101 115200 Where 115200 is the baud rate. Et voila, you can see what the printer is doing.
How to create or update a shipping class in Woocommerce
Here’s how to update an existing or create a new shipping class in Woocommerce. This was written for one particular person but may help others. On the left, hover over Woocommerce and click on Settings: At the top, find Shipping and click on it – here fourth from the left: You then land on the…
Adding new products in Woocommerce
Here’s how to add a new product in Woocommerce. On the Dashboard, on the left hand side, hover over Products and click on Add New: Fill out the Product Name at the top and then write a description in the white box below: Scroll down: Make sure you fill out the Regular Price and select…
I hate the new Photos app in iOS 13 – how can I put it back to the way it was?
I can’t stand the new Photos app – I just want a grid back! Here’s how to get it back to the way it was. In the Photos app, click on “All Photos” in the lower right. Once you’re there – and it should look a bit closer to the old app now – click…
Programs used before
This is a note to myself as much as anything; GMvault – used to back up gmail accounts. Very useful Imapsync – used to transfer emails from one gmail account to another. Very handy when closing an account Logstalgia – used to visualise logs. Can install on MacOS and watch logs on other systems
tryst hookup
So far this is the easiest way I have found to update Mediawiki. This presumes SSH access. Back up your database and files first! cd wget (if going for another version, replace with the appropriate link) tar -xvzf mediawiki-1.31.1.tar.gz cp -rf mediawiki-1.31.1/* /var/www/YOURSITE If your sites are stored elsewhere, replaces /var/www/YOURSITE with whatever…
Can you make Atom autocomplete or autoclose like Sublime Text does?
I spent a lot of time in text editors and have been using Sublime Text for years; Atom recently caught my attention as a completely free alternative (though Sublime’s trial period is currently unlimited…) that has a huge community behind it and good support. One of the biggest things that I found off-putting was…
WHMCS cron job says ioncube not installed despite ioncube being installed
This issue drove me batty for an hour – after installing WHMCS with PHP’s Ioncube extension installed successfully the cronjob required by WHMCS would not run, complaining about Ioncube not being installed. Yet php -v showed that it was in fact installed. What gives? Turns out that Ioncube had been enabled for PHP-FPM…
WooCommerce Variable Products all showing out of stock: Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.
I must have spent hours today trying to fix a problem with Woocommerce – no matter which way I set up a variable product it always showed as out of stock no matter which combination of options I selected. The error message was: Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination. Very…