Category: OS X

  • How to connect to a Prusa Mk3S via USB in Terminal on MacOS?

    After connecting the printer via a USB C -> USB adapter, run:

    ls /dev/cu*

    In my instance the USB adapter was /dev/cu.usbmodem14101

    Then run:

    screen /dev/cu.usbmodem14101 115200

    Where 115200 is the baud rate.

    Et voila, you can see what the printer is doing.

  • OS X El Capitan downloaded but is not installing – how to fix it?

    When upgrading one of our MacBook Pros today we found that El Capitan downloaded but did nothing else, still showing “download” in the App Store:

    El Capitan downloaded but not installing? Read this post to find out how to install it.

    Clicking on the “Download button here does nothing. Selecting the  “Updates” tab shows this:

    El Capitan downloaded but not installing? Read this post to find out how to install it.Not super handy. However, assuming that it downloaded correctly we can kick off the installer from the Applications folder:


    El Capitan downloaded but not installing? Read this post to find out how to install it.

    This one’s easy – open it as though you would any application and you should see:

    El Capitan downloaded but not installing? Read this post to find out how to install it.

    Sorted. Good luck installing the new OS and enjoy! We’re pleased so far.


    After upgrading Lightroom 5.6 to 5.7, it refused to open with the error:

      Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/asneu.framework/versions/a/asneu


    This problem stems from the fact that the system drive is a case sensitive file system; in a similar vein, we were recently unable to install Adobe CC on a similar system as it is also incompatible with a case sensitive file system. We fixed our Lightroom issue by changing the path from:


    /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom




    /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom


    The above assumes a normal install to the /Applications directory. If you are game to try the change yourself, you make the change via Terminal:


    cd /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\ Lightroom\

    sudo mv Versions versions

    cd versions

    sudo mv A a


    Now try and start Lightroom and you should be successful.

  • dating no sign up uk

    After mounting your shares using Command+K in Finder, go to:


    Settings -> Users and Groups -> Click on the lock to allow changes



    Select “Login items” at the top, click on the plus symbol, then find your server on the left pane:



    Click on the samba/CIFS share you wish to automount, then select “Add”; you should now see it in the list:



    In theory, to hide the Finder window which opens when it is mounted you select the “Hide” tickbox on the left side of the share name. This doesn’t seem to work, however! Click on the lock to prevent further changes, restart and you should see your shares automount on boot.

  • OS X Mavericks: How to show the date in the menu bar


    This one is nice and easy – go to System Preferences -> Date & Time -> Clock and then tick “Show Date”:



    A small thing, but quite useful.