Category: Windows 7
How to reset a user password in Windows without knowing the original password
Today we were asked how to reset a Windows user password (in this case the administrator account for a Windows Home Server 2011 install) without knowing the original password. The user had a logged-in Administrator session but had typo’d their password twice successfully during the install and was not keen on reinstalling then repeating…
Browsing the web through a SSH tunnel with Firefox and Putty (Windows)
If you have the ability to SSH into a remote machine you also have the ability to direct your web browser’s traffic through SSH to that machine. This can be quite handy for browsing the (remote) local network without opening a HTTP port on the firewall. First, install Putty and Firefox. Putty can…
Windows 7 – Stopping a Wacom pen from right-clicking on a long press (aka press and hold)
This is a personal bugbear which I encounter every time I reinstall a W7 OS. The problem is that when you hold the pen down – like you might when you’re trying to highlight text – Windows has a default setting of assuming that you wish to right click, which interrupts the selection you…