How to update/upgrade OpenIndiana

Unlike Ubuntu Server, the text-only version of OpenIndiana doesn’t prompt you on login to update its packages when new ones become available. To do a dry run upgrade use the command:


pfexec pkg image-update -nv


The -n flag specifies a dry run (no system changes) and the -v flag produces a verbose output. If the changes look satisfactory remove the -n flag and upgrade:


pfexec pkg image-update -v


Depending on how long it has been since you last upgraded it might have a couple of hundred megabytes to download. As a word of warning – check your rpool free space and don’t upgrade if your rpool is extremely close to being full as the additional space taken up might cause your system to drop you into maintenance mode on reboot as it runs out of room for log files and the like, which can be slightly alarming.


