Tag: ssh tunnel
Setting up one browser remotely, one locally
As a follow-up to the Firefox and Internet Explorer remote browsing articles we were asked whether you could set IE up for remote browsing and Firefox for local browsing. This certainly can be done – set up your tunnel in Internet Explorer then open up Firefox and go to: Tools -> Options ->…
Using an SSH tunnel with Internet Explorer
As a follow-up to the previous article on how to browse the web via an SSH tunnel in Firefox we’ve been asked to show how to do the same with Internet Explorer. The Putty set-up remains the same; once that’s complete, open Internet Explorer (we are using IE 9) and go to Tools ->…
Browsing the web through a SSH tunnel with Firefox and Putty (Windows)
If you have the ability to SSH into a remote machine you also have the ability to direct your web browser’s traffic through SSH to that machine. This can be quite handy for browsing the (remote) local network without opening a HTTP port on the firewall. First, install Putty and Firefox. Putty can…