If you’re running an OpenIndiana/OpenSolaris fileserver chances are you’ll need a static IP so that you’ll always know where to find it on the network. There is more than one way of doing this but by far the easiest is using NWAM, or network auto magic.
Do the following (the # at the beginning means you need to have superuser permissions for this, and any line without bolded text at the end means you just hit enter):
# nwamcfg
nwamcfg> create ncp lan
nwamcfg:ncp:lan> create ncu phys e1
000g0Created ncu ‘e1000g0’. Walking properties …
activation-mode (manual) [manual|prioritized]> prioritized
enabled (true) [true|false]>
0priority-mode [exclusive|shared|all]> shared
nwamcfg:ncp:lan:ncu:e1000g0> end
Committed changes
nwamcfg:ncp:lan> create ncu ip e1
000g0Created ncu ‘e1
000g0‘. Walking properties …enabled (true) [true|false]>
ip-version (ipv4,ipv6) [ipv4|ipv6]> ipv4
ipv4-addrsrc (dhcp) [dhcp|static]> static
ipv4-addr> 1> 1
000g0> endCommitted changes
nwamcfg:ncp:lan> end
nwamcfg> end
# nwamadm enable -p ncp lan
Voila! You have now set a static ipv4 IP in OpenIndiana/OpenSolaris. If you would like to set an ipv6 address instead, or both, select ipv6 or nothing when prompted for the ip-version. Replace the and gateway ( with whatever IP addresses match your own network.