Author: sotech

  • How to rewind a tape drive in Ubuntu

    How to rewind a tape drive in Ubuntu

      This again uses the mt command, and is nice and easy:   sudo mt -f [path/to/tape/drive] rewind   A common example would be:   sudo mt -f /dev/st0 rewind   Easy done! In the above example it’s st (zero) not st (letter o) – in case it’s not clear from the font.

  • Changing or Updating the time zone in Ubuntu Server

    Changing or Updating the time zone in Ubuntu Server

      There are quite a few reasons you may find that you need to change your time zone – for example, if you’re using a pre-made image for a virtual machine you may find that the default timezone is not set to your country. You can change the time manually, though there is a quick…

  • Installing Xen on Ubuntu: Error “makeinfo is missing on your system”

    Installing Xen on Ubuntu: Error “makeinfo is missing on your system”

      This is another error that seems to crop up when making Xen on Ubuntu – you can fix it by installing the texinfo package:   sudo apt-get install texinfo   The error message should now no longer appear.

  • Installing Xen on Ubuntu: Error bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory

    Installing Xen on Ubuntu: Error bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory

      This error cropped up when we were building Xen on a system running Ubuntu 12.04 Server:   /usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory   To get past this point, install gcc-multilib.   sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib   The required files are around 20MB and should allow you to get past that…

  • Ubuntu: How to delete a user

    Ubuntu: How to delete a user

      In Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10, to delete an additional user you have created, use the following:   sudo deluser [username]   By example, if we wanted to delete a user we created called “test”, we would run:   sudo deluser test   Which gives:   Removing user `test’ … Warning: group `test’ has no…

  • Ubuntu: How to add a existing user to an existing group

    Ubuntu: How to add a existing user to an existing group

      To add an existing user to a second group, use the following command:   sudo usermod -a -G [group] [user]   e.g.:   sudo usermod -a -G geeks bob   This will add the user bob to the group geeks.

  • New: RSS feed!

      We have added an RSS feed for our articles – you can now get our new posts in your email or RSS feed app! On the right-hand side under the tag cloud you can enter your email, or enter the following url into your RSS reader:   Enjoy!

  • Ubuntu Server: How to change to the root user

    Ubuntu Server: How to change to the root user

      Some guides tell you to enter “su” on Unix systems to get superuser permissions; in Ubuntu, however, this won’t work. As a user with sudo permissions (the user created on install has these) enter the following instead:   sudo su   Enter your account password and voila, you are logged in as root. You…

  • Traceroute easter egg

      Here’s another oldie but a goodie:   tracert -h 66     The above is for Windows command line – the “h” flag is to see all 66 hops necessary to get the full effect! Enjoy 😉

  • Ubuntu Server Benchmarks: Geekbench

    Ubuntu Server Benchmarks: Geekbench

      This is one of our favourite benchmarks for Ubuntu Server – it’s cross-platform, meaning that it can be ran on Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server and more. You can get the download link from the following site:   Currently this works:   wget   Unzip:   gunzip Geekbench-2.4.2-Linux.tar.gz…