Author: sotech

  • How to caption an image – HTML5

    How do you caption an image in HTML? One way is using figure tags. Without them, you might use the following:   <img src=”image.jpg” align=”center” />   …to create this: So, you have an image using the above. How do you make it into an image with a caption? <figure> <img src=”image.jpg” align=”center”/> <figcaption><center>Caption goes…

  • SEO: How many words long to make image alt text?

    Image alt text purpose When looking at making sure your image alt text works for your SEO purposes, don’t forget that one of the main purposes of alt text is to provide visually impaired people a description of the content they’re looking at. It can be easy to get carried away filling it up with…

  • How to install Drupal 8 – Step by Step

    So, you have downloaded Drupal 8 from the downloads page (link here) and extracted it into your web directory. In our example we have used the RC4 release – we’ll update on release day if anything changes in the process. Here’s what you do next: Select your language – here English: Choose your installation profile.…

  • Installing Aegir 3 on Debian 8 Jessie/Ubuntu with Nginx

    So, after a few failed attempts at installing the Aegir 3 Drupal control system we hit upon this “recipe” as what works for us currently on a fresh install of Debian 8 Jessie or Ubuntu 14.04. This assumes you are logged in as root. First, update and upgrade your system. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade…

  • OS X El Capitan downloaded but is not installing – how to fix it?

    OS X El Capitan downloaded but is not installing – how to fix it?

    When upgrading one of our MacBook Pros today we found that El Capitan downloaded but did nothing else, still showing “download” in the App Store: Clicking on the “Download button here does nothing. Selecting the  “Updates” tab shows this: Not super handy. However, assuming that it downloaded correctly we can kick off the installer from…

  • How to install just ab (apachebench) on Debian or Ubuntu

    Running nginx (or lighttpd, or any other web server) but still want to make use of Apache’s useful ab (apachebench) benchmarking tool?   apt-get install apache2-utils   …should do it.

  • Upload error 413 “Request Entity Too Large” on Nginx

    When trying to upload files to a Drupal installation running on nginx, we got a 413 error: Request Entity too large.   We had gone through and updated the php files with regard to max upload file size limits, but had neglected to do the same to the nginx config file (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf on Debian). We…

  • Securing Dokuwiki with nginx

    After migrating a server from Apache2.4 to nginx a Dokuwiki install was complaining about the following on the admin page:   Previously .htaccess files were controlling access, which aren’t used by nginx. You can test your Dokuwiki install’s access by attempting to visit the following url:   If you can see any content…

  • Drupal 7 – Two administrative menus after module installed

    In Drupal 7 when trying to use the module “Administration Menu” (quite a handy module) after enabling it we ended up with two menus or toolbars: The fix for this is to disable the existing “Toolbar” module – this should remove the original toolbar and leave you with just the new Administration Menu menu/toolbar.

  • Drupal 7 – “Manage fields” missing from Content Type admin page

    When trying to add file uploads to the “page” content type creation, we found that the Manage Fields section was missing (Structure -> Content Types).   In this case it turned out that the module Field UI had been disabled; re-enabling that module brought the Manage Fields option back.