Author: sotech

  • How to delete the rest of a line after the cursor in vim?

      Vim has a host of really useful shortcuts; the one we are looking at today allows you to delete the text on the same line after the cursor position. To do this, move the cursor to the desired position and hit:   shift+d   In other words, a capital D. We don’t need a…

  • Ubuntu: How to disconnect a telnet session

    Ubuntu: How to disconnect a telnet session

      If you haven’t used telnet much you might expect ctrl+c or ctrl+d to cancel a command and return you to the prompt. Try instead:   ctrl+]   Once you are back at the telnet prompt you can exit back to your shell using ctrl+d.

  • GIMP: How to save as .jpg and not .xcf?

      This is a question we get asked a lot from people who are trying out GIMP as a Photoshop alternative. If you hit Save or Save As, you are only presented with the option to save as a .xcf file. To save the image you are working on as a .jpg we need to…

  • Subsonic on Ubuntu: How to upgrade from 4.8 to the new 4.9 release

    Subsonic on Ubuntu: How to upgrade from 4.8 to the new 4.9 release

      Subsonic 4.9 is out! The installation instructions page doesn’t explicitly say anything about upgrading from a previous version – fortunately, though, you don’t need to do anything different. First, grab the .deb file – currently this works:   wget   Install:   sudo dpkg -i subsonic-4.9.deb   If you have an existing 4.8…

  • Ubuntu: How to see information about your system’s CPU

    Ubuntu: How to see information about your system’s CPU

      To find out information about the CPU used in the system, we can use the following command:   lscpu   This gives us useful information about the CPU, such as the number of physical cores, virtual threads, virtualization support and more. An example output from a Haswell Xeon system looks like:   Architecture:          x86_64…

  • Ubuntu: Viewing all available block devices or hard drives, their mount point and their filesystems

    Ubuntu: Viewing all available block devices or hard drives, their mount point and their filesystems

      To list the available hard drives (to be specific, available block devices) we use the following command:   lsblk   This will provide output in the following format: NAME    MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT xvda    202:0    0     8G  0 disk ├─xvda1 202:1    0     7G  0 part / ├─xvda2 202:2    0     1K  0 part…

  • Ubuntu: Viewing past dmesg outputs from previous sessions

    Ubuntu: Viewing past dmesg outputs from previous sessions

      Sometimes you may want to check the output of dmesg from a previous session. This can provide some useful information – for example, whether an error has only just started appearing or whether it was present during previous sessions. Ubuntu archives old dmesg outputs in the following location:   /var/log   We can see…

  • Fedora 20 – How to make SSH automatically start on boot (sshd.service)

    Fedora 20 – How to make SSH automatically start on boot (sshd.service)

      If you are coming to Fedora from Ubuntu you may be surprised that installing the package doesn’t automatically start the SSH daemon on boot. We can change this with the following command, run as root:   systemctl  enable sshd.service   The next time you boot your SSH server should have started automatically.

  • Fedora 20: Installing packages

      To install a package on Fedora via the command line, we use the yum command like so:   yum install [package]   Using tmux as an example:   yum install tmux   Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit Resolving Dependencies –> Running transaction check —> Package tmux.x86_64 0:1.8-3.fc20 will be installed –> Finished Dependency Resolution Dependencies…

  • Fedora 20: Updating via the command line

    Fedora 20: Updating via the command line

      Fedora, unlike Ubuntu with apt-get, uses yum to update it’s software. Run the following as root (either by logging in as root or using su in front of the command):   yum update   You will see a list of the updated packages and a confirmation at the end. On our test system it…