Category: Xen

  • How to install XenServer 6.2 – Step By Step


    With the recent public availability of XenServer 6.2 there are an increasing number of people wanting to try it; here is a walk-through of an install so that you know what to expect if you want to try it yourself. In this example we are using a NFS datastore on the network to store VM files. First, burn the ISO installer to a CD and boot to it:





  • XenServer 6.2: NICs showing as disconnected despite being connected


    Sometimes if you connect a network cable to a NIC XenServer doesn’t register it and keeps the status as disconnected; if this happens, try the following via SSH (or from the console, though you will be kicked out of XenCenter once you do it):




    It may take a little while for the restart to finish but once it does the NIC should be showing the correct status.

  • Installing Xen on Ubuntu: Error “makeinfo is missing on your system”


    This is another error that seems to crop up when making Xen on Ubuntu – you can fix it by installing the texinfo package:


    sudo apt-get install texinfo


    The error message should now no longer appear.



    This error cropped up when we were building Xen on a system running Ubuntu 12.04 Server:


    /usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory


    To get past this point, install gcc-multilib.


    sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib


    The required files are around 20MB and should allow you to get past that point of “make”.