Author: sotech

  • Is there any difference between a CPU assembled in Malay and one from Costa Rica?

    On the top of any modern Intel CPU you will see the country of assembly printed, and it will be either Malay or Costa Rica. Back in the day this could mean the difference between a chip with excellent overclocking potential and a dud; how about now?     In a nutshell, no more difference…

  • New watercooled build coming…

    We have a new mini-workstation/gaming build coming; here’s a couple of teaser pics from the first one:           More to come! It’s a beautiful little thing 🙂

  • Raspberry Pi & SD cards

      After yesterday’s brief post about the Pi there were some questions about how the SD cards fit in – easiest answered with a photo or two:     As you can see, the SD card slot is on the underside of the device and once inserted the card protrudes about half its length beyond…

  • Just arrived: Intel Dual-10-Gigabit Network Cards

      We got our first Intel X520-T2 10Gbe cards in this week; benchmarks and a review won’t be available for a couple of weeks yet but we’re expecting big things…   Stay tuned for more!

  • Raspberry Pi has arrived…

    Our first shipment are already allocated but we did have the chance to grab some photos before they were all gone… In case you aren’t familiar with what the Pi is, it’s a new device which has the potential to be a complete game-changer when it comes to computing – here are some links:  …

  • Asus 7850 Direct CU II 2GB review

    This graphics card has grown to be a staple in our workstation and gaming builds; today we have a mini-review of why you might want to consider including on in your own build.    

  • Teaser: New graphics cards

    We’ve got a mini-review of a certain AMD Pitcairn-based graphics card coming up soon. In the meantime, here’s a couple of teaser shots!       More to come – including the review – soon!

  • How to update/upgrade OpenIndiana

    Unlike Ubuntu Server, the text-only version of OpenIndiana doesn’t prompt you on login to update its packages when new ones become available. To do a dry run upgrade use the command:   pfexec pkg image-update -nv   The -n flag specifies a dry run (no system changes) and the -v flag produces a verbose output.…

  • How to reset a ProCurve 2510-24g to default settings

    Here’s one someone asked me today – it’s reasonably straight-forward, though not necessarily obvious:   Press in both the Clear and Reset buttons (tiny buttons on the left edge) Release the Reset button after the port lights come on (~2 seconds) When the Self-Test LED starts flashing (to the left of the Clear and Reset…

  • BIOS update: Asus P8Z77-V

    For those customers (well, for you single customer at this stage…!) who have this board there’s a new BIOS out, #1015; it’s worth updating to this one as Asus claims it improves system stability, memory compatibility and USB compatibility, along with supporting some new CPUs.   You can download it here.